Divine Intervention Chip

Divine Intervention Chip: Living On A Prayer

The Divine Intervention Chip is a rare Mindforce chip. It is only available through the Mission Galactica Mission Chain. Since this is a popular Mindforce chip with unique capabilities let’s take a moment to understand what it does. Let’s take a look and see what secrets we can uncover!

Divine Intervention Is Not Healing

First we need to understand that the Divine Intervention Chip is not a healing device. It is often categorized as a FAP and that is completely incorrect. This chip does use the Biotropic profession and falls into the Biotropic category. But this Mindforce chip has unique qualities that don’t fit nicely into the normal item categories. Let’s take a look at what this Mindforce chip does then we can move on to it’s stats.

Divine Intervention Chip Functionality

The in game item description says: “This chip provides the effect of Divine Intervention, it has a 70% chance to save you from an otherwise fatal blow.” While this is informative it does not tell us everything we need to know.

Divine Intervention Chip TT
Divine Intervention Chip TT

To better understand the Divine Intervention Chip let’s look at an example. First you would use the chip. This would provide your avatar with the Divine Intervention buff for the next hour. Second something has to happen that has a chance of killing you. When you receive damage the Divine Intervention buff looks at your available HP. If your available HP is less than the damage you are about to take it means that the blow could result in death. If this is the case the Divine Intervention buff kicks in and one of three things happen.

Playing The Odds

The first is that the 30% chance of the Divine Intervention buff not working, nothing happens, you die. Alternatively there is a 70% chance that the Divine Intervention buff will work. If this is the case then you will immediately be healed by 50 HP. This will be added to your available HP. If your available HP plus the 50 HP you receive from the Divine Intervention buff is less than the damage you take you will live. In this case you will see a message that says: “System: You were saved by Divine Intervention”.

However there is a chance that the buff will work and you will still die. The reason is that it’s possible for your available HP plus the 50 HP your receive from the buff to still be less than the damage you take. If this is the case you will still die even though you received the 50 HP from the Divine Intervention Buff.

Keep It Simple Stupid

To simply all of this you use the Divine Intervention Chip once an hour to activate the Divine Intervention buff. During that time if you take damage capable of killing you there is a 30% chance nothing happens and you die. But there is a 70% chance that you will be healed 50 HP. If you are healed by the buff and the damage is still more than you can survive you still die. Alternatively the 50 HP you receive from the buff may be more than the damage is capable of and you may live to see the saved by Divine Intervention message.

Divine Intervention Chip Basic Stats

The Divine Intervention Chip is a level 3 Mindforce Chip with a weight of 1 kg. It has a heal rate of 50 HP which is the same as the start interval and the effective heal amount. This chip has a range of 12 meters and is capable of 8 uses per minute giving it a reload speed of 7.5 seconds. Using these figures we can see that the heal per second is calculated at 6.67 HP but in reality it either awards you 50 HP in a moment or it doesn’t. Heal per second should not be a quoted metric as this chip does not function the same way a FAP would.

Divine Intervention Chip Stats
Divine Intervention Chip Stats

Maximum TT value for this chip is 150 PED and the Minimum TT value before needing repair is 4.5 PED. The decay rate is 1.5 PEC per use meaning there are 9,701 uses before the chip will need to be repaired. In order to use the Divine Intervention Chip you will need to use the proper Ammo type which is Mind Essence. The chip uses 300 Mind Essence per use bringing the total costs per use to 4.5 PEC.

Calculating the heal per PEC we get 11.11 HP but again this number should not be quoted. There is no guarantee you take a hit capable of killing you. A 30% chance that the buff would not work anyway. This means that this metric simply should not be applied to this item.

In order to use this chip you must concentrate for 2.2 seconds. This chip is in cooldown group 2 with a cool down period of 5 seconds. This is a non-SIB item. It is recommended for use when your Biotropic Profession level is 4 or higher.

Now Available For Rent

The Divine Intervention Chip is only available through the Mission Galactica Mission Chain. The majority of players do not have the ability or the bankroll to get far enough through the chain to try and obtain this chip naturally. Now you don’t have to!

You can now get access to the Divine Intervention Chip through our Ninja Rental Program! This is a great opportunity! Many players have always wanted to have access to this cool chip! A lot just didn’t have the skills, bankroll or patience for Mission Galactica. Save PED with our Ninja Rental Program!

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