entropia universe

Entropia Universe The Game That Can Make You Real Money

I stopped playing video games as a teenager but years later I learned about Entropia Universe. A game that can make you real money; and a lot of it. The game regularly holds the world record for most expensive virtual items ever sold. Fortunes are made, and lost, in a universe where you can be whatever you want to be. We hope this brief overview helps you decide if joining Entropia Universe is for you.

What Is Entropia Universe?

Entropia Universe is played on your PC. Simply download, create an account and you’re on your way to another universe! Entropia Universe is an MMORPG. It’s similar to games like World of Warcraft but with one big distinction: the game is based on a real cash economy. This is what gives players the unique ability to earn money (or lose money).

Once you have created your avatar and walked through the tutorial the game officially begins. You are now in a universe that has several planets, moons and a vast space area in which you can play. There is no end goal. There is no step by step story-line. You have to chose what to do and which goals to pursue. This can be difficult for new players. We hope that EarnPED.com and the ATH Blog will help players of all levels since everyone’s path will be different.

Is Entropia Universe Free To Play?

Entropia Universe is advertised as a free to play game. Technically this is accurate. You don’t have to pay to create an account or to login. But your options are rather limited if you are trying to stay free to play. After all the game is based on a real cash economy.

Right away you can start learning about your new universe. You can hang out and talk to other players. You can join a Society and you may want to find a Mentor. If your account is new you don’t have any of the skills you need. Spending a lot of money as a new player is not advised. Instead take some time to get to know the game and get to know other players.

You’re learning the basics. Making some new friends that have played for a while. You have a few starter items. But you quickly realize you will not be able to continue playing for long without depositing. This is where the real cash economy of Entropia Universe starts to become reality. Soon your options will be to Sweat, deposit or find a way to sustain your game play.

What Is A Real Cash Economy?

A real cash economy means that the game works very similar to real life. With very few exceptions everything costs money. Think of it as a virtual version of your everyday life.

In real life you have to purchase a car and fuel to make it function. You have to purchase a weapon and bullets. Shoot a gun long enough and the gun breaks. You then have to purchase a new one or pay to have it fixed. The game functions in much the same way.

Your weapons and armor will break. Depending on the type of item it may be repairable for a fee. Sometimes you will simply have to purchase a new one. Vehicles cost money and the fuel to operate them is not free. You will almost certainly have to purchase ammo. This is the basis of the virtual real cash economy. Everything has a price, a purpose and a useful lifespan.

Can I Withdrawal Money?

At first the concept of a real cash economy in a video game isn’t appealing. After all who wants to pay to play a game? But then you realize why this is such an amazing concept. If you make money in Entropia Universe you can withdrawal those funds to your real life bank account!

There are a ton of games that let you deposit money. Entropia Universe is one of the few that let you make withdrawals. If you have what it takes to make money in the game you can spend that money in real life! And there is a long list of players who have managed to do just that. On a world record scale!

Should I Play Entropia Universe?

Video games aren’t for everyone. It took me over six years to start playing Entropia Universe. I had heard about the world records and read a little about the game. The idea of a game that could make real money seemed like something I would be into. I even downloaded the game three times over the years.

What I find interesting was that I couldn’t play the first two times I downloaded it. I got bored, couldn’t get into it and lost interest. It wasn’t until May 2018 that I really started to play. I had a stressful week and just wanted to have some fun. That’s when i discovered it was more than just a game or a way to make money. It was an entire universe at my fingertips.

I’ve made friends, had some crazy adventures, laughed, smiled and had more fun than I could have ever imagined. If you’re thinking about playing Entropia Universe give it a try. You may discover a universe you never knew existed!

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