Withdrawal Information

While earnPED may be a great resource to learn about Entropia Universe we understand that users are also here to earn PED. That means that at some point you will likely wish to withdrawal your earnings. There’s some important information you should know about the withdrawal process. Let’s take a moment to look at how withdrawals are handled.

In Game Transactions Only

The ONLY way we will process a withdrawal is in-game. Absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS. There are several reasons for this but the most important is to insure that we all remain in compliance with the Entropia terms of use. There are rules against transactions outside of the game or transactions for currencies other than PED. We are not willing to risk our ability to play a game we love and neither should you. We will not allow withdrawals in any other manner. Please do not ask.

How Do I Request A Withdrawal?

If you wish to withdrawal part or all of your earnPED balance please notify StevieB in-game via private message. We will soon be adding a way to contact StevieB directly from this site but right now we are making sure everyone has a great experience and new content is being added as quickly as possible. In game click on the friends icon in the upper right corner. Click “User Register” and search for Steve StevieB Braggs. Feel free to send a friend request as well as a private message.

You will need to let StevieB know what portion of your balance you wish to withdrawal, when you are most likely to be in game and where you are likely to be located. StevieB is usually at Zychion Citadel, Twin Peaks, Boreas or Camp Icarus although he does travel a bit.

What Are The Withdrawal Requirements?

You must have an earnPED balance of at least 10 PED before requesting a withdrawal. We reserve the right to raise this threshold if it results in too many transactions taking up too much of our time or resources. The longer you wait to withdrawal the more you will benefit. You can earn up to a 10% bonus on your withdrawal amount if you participate in our bonus program! There is currently no penalty for withdrawing below a certain amount but we reserve the right to change this at anytime.

Are There Any Waiting Periods?

We had previously paid all withdrawals within 5 minutes of the withdrawal request. However we told everyone up front that the first time this was abused we would be forced to change our withdrawal times. You can thank KenoZuki TheGreySolder OneOfMany for attempting to cheat the system and forcing us to enforce a withdrawal waiting period.

When you complete an offer which earns PED the advertisers and sponsors have 60 days to charge back those earnings for any TOU violation. They will often wait until the last second. In addition to charging back the earnings they may also implement any number of soft or hard bans which may keep you from earning PED in the future. This means that the ONLY way to be absolutely sure we do not lose money is to implement a 60 day waiting period on all withdrawals.

We have to wait 60 days to get paid and due to the extreme greed of a small number of members we must now have our members do the same. This will help those members who are loyal and active. By having a 60 day mandatory waiting period you are more likely to qualify for our Bonus Program when making a withdrawal.

Can I Withdrawal My Entire Balance?

Generally speaking, yes. However please note that you actually have 2 different balances. The displayed balance is your un-audited running balance. This may be different from your available balance to be withdrawn. You also have an audited balance which is the balance you have earned from offers and actions which have been completed and are in good standing.

Sometimes points get awarded only to be charged back or reversed later due to fraud, illegitimate clicks or a variety of other reasons. Only the portion of your balance which is audited and in good standing may be withdrawn. We only allow withdrawals of the portion of your balance which we know to be in good standing. (The portion of your earnings which is greater than 60 days old)

Where Will Withdrawals Take Place?

All withdrawals will take place on Calypso. We will likely be adding the ability to process withdrawals on other planets in the near future.

How Will My Withdrawal Be Completed?

You will meet with Steve StevieB Braggs at a predetermined time and place on Calypso. StevieB will initiate a player to player trade with you. If you plan to take part in our bonus program you will need to take a screen shot which CLEARLY shows you, StevieB, the trade window and the PED amount BEFORE completing the trade. Once you have taken your screen shot you accept the trade like normal.

NOTE: Once you have completed the trade you will have to open your inventory by hitting I. In the Money and Deeds tab, which is at the top, you will have to drag and drop your stack of PED onto your PEDcard before your in-game PED balance will be updated.

If StevieB is not able to process your withdrawal personally (due to being off planet or some other reason) he will tell you who to meet in his place. NO ONE is authorized to act on StevieB’s behalf unless HE SPECIFICALLY tells you so before hand.

Additional Information

We reserve the right to modify or change the policies and rules related to withdrawals at any time for any reason. We have created a tool for you to be able to learn and earn because we want to help our fellow players. Be respectful, be thankful, do right and we can focus more on creating quality content instead.