Strong Argonaut Claw FEN Edition

Strong Argonaut Claw FEN Edition

The Strong Argonaut Claw FEN Edition is an extremely rare melee weapon. It was only available during the recent FEN event. You had to loot it and it’s one of the most sought after weapons in Entropia Universe. We now have this rare item among our inventory! Let’s take a look at this super weapon and see what we can learn before it’s gone!

Basic Stats

The Strong Argonaut Claw FEN Edition is a Power Fist Melee weapon. It weighs just 1kg and has a range of 5 meters. The DPS comes in at a whopping 85.5 HP! Damage per use is 67.5 HP with a base attack of 76 attacks per minute! That means the reload speed is just 0.8 seconds!

Strong Argonaut Claw FEN Edition Stats
Strong Argonaut Claw FEN Edition Stats

This impressive weapon has an incredible 81.4% efficiency. That’s almost unheard of for a melee weapon! Decay is 1.059 PEC per use. This is a melee weapon but it does use ammo. You can use either Weapon Cells or Universal ammo and it consumes 1305 ammo per use.

The max TT value is 125 PED with a minimum TT value of 3.75 PED before it needs to be repaired. That means there are 11,450 uses between repairs. This makes it an ideal melee weapon for extended hunts.

Other Stats

The Strong Argonaut Claw FEN Edition does 3.319 HP of damage per PEC. Of the 67.5 HP of damage each use delivers 16.9 HP is Cut and 50.6 HP is Impact. As if that wasn’t enough this weapon even has a SIB, or Skill Increase Bonus!

Strong Argonaut Claw FEN Edition TT
Strong Argonaut Claw FEN Edition TT

Since it’s a Melee Weapon it will require a Melee amp if you wish to use an amp. It’s recommended levels are level 60 Brawler (Hit) Profession and level 60 Brawler (Dmg) profession. No matter which metric you look at this is hands down one of the most impressive weapons in the game!

Strong Argonaut Claw FEN Edition Secrets

The base stats for this weapon are mind blowing. Rightfully so as it was only able to be looted during the Fifteenth Entropia New Year event which concluded in January 2019. It is of the highest rarity with only a few of these weapons existing.

One thing that should be noted is the high base attack rate. This is the perfect weapon to pair with a ring like the Ares Ring Improved or the Ares Ring Modified. Doing so would lower the reload speed and further increase the DPS the weapon is capable of.

You could also pair this weapon with special buff pills. You could use pills such as Devastim 10mg which would further increase the critical damage you could inflict by 40%. No doubt that pairing this incredible weapon with the right rings and pills could result in some serious hunting!

If you want to hunt some of the most serious mobs in Entropia and use a melee weapon to do it you want this weapon! It is only going to get rarer as people refuse to sell. We’ve already seen almost all examples of this weapon removed from the market. Who knows when another example will surface for sale.

Now Available For Rent!

We are super excited! We are now able to offer one of the ONLY Strong Argonaut Claw FEN Edition’s in game for rent! Through our Ninja Rental Program you can rent this amazing weapon without having to make the long term commitment to purchase it!

Don’t want to let this rare weapon go? We are also offering it for sale! Go Inside The Vault to find out more about becoming the proud owner of this prized weapon! You are unlikely to find another for sale for a very long time!

Remember EarnPED members may qualify for special discounts and rental rates! Being a Member is FREE and will give you Offers and Videos that can help you earn PED so Sign Up today!

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