Fatty’s Guide To Pets In Entropia Universe

We would like to take a moment to thank Fatteus Fatty Thorsson for this article. He has worked on this project for a very long time. It is because of his research and experience we are able to bring you this article. After much waiting and anticipation we present to you his masterpiece. Fatty’s Guide To Pets In Entropia Universe!

Your Pet And You

A lot of people ask me, “Fatty, what do I do with my pet _?” Pets are wonderful, enigmatic little pieces of game mechanics. To put it simply, a pet can be your best friend, both figuratively and literally!

Having a happy pet (one that is fed and is in a good mood) gives a player avatar boosts to health and experience. Furthermore, pets have Passive Effects that can be unlocked at a high level that give you an additional boost! These vary by pet, the most common one being Skill Boost to Taming and Training Pets. Let’s start at the beginning.

A Hungry Pet Is A Useless Pet

The first thing you need (other than your pet) is a few hundred Nutrio Bars. This sounds daunting, but if you have the right connections, you can get the two components of the Nutrio Bar rather easily. First, either search yourself or pay someone to search for fruit.

Fruit comes in a variety of flavors, but they all essentially work the same. 1 Fruit is needed per Nutrio Bar. The second ingredient is a lot more
elusive; that is the aptly named Sweet Stuff. This sweet, saccharine substance is mined. Yes, mined. With probes… The locations to mine it span across the galaxy, but usually there are only a few places it can be found in each world. The “Sweet Spots” are a closely guarded secret that not even we are privy to.

Thankfully, someone has gone and done the hard part of mining everywhere for you. Use mininglog.com maps to find where it is most common. While the maps arte helpful we do NOT recommend running the outdated software. Once you have Fruit and Sweet Stuff, use a Refiner (Tool) to turn 1 Fruit and 1 Sweet Stuff into 1 Bar. 1000 Fruit and 1000 Sweet Stuff will make 1000 Nutrio bars. That may feed up to two pets. Maybe three, if their metabolism stat is low.

That sounds like a good transition to the next thing you will need to know. If you want to just buy what you need or out-right by the Nutrio bars from someone who has already done the legwork, consider Hunting for Hire, or Mining Resources, both of which require an initial investment, but can make you a good chunk of PED. Who knows? Maybe when you’re out mining, you’ll find the Sweet Stuff.

Pet Stats For Non-Pet Experts

Pet stats are all important, and every kind of pet is different, though there may be a lot of similarities between pets from different worlds. To see the stats, right click the pet window or the pet in your inventory and select Show Pet Status.

The first stat we’ll look at is Pet Level. The Level of the pet determines what tricks it can perform and if it can use it’s Passive Ability. To raise the level, you must first feed your pet. This fills the Energy Stat. Energy under a certain % means the pet is hungry and will start losing its Mood Stat. When the Mood stat drops below 20%, a pet will not do tricks. Mood goes back up when a pet has Energy at 30% or above. This varies by pet, so find your pet’s hunger % by using up energy. How do you do that?

Tricks, Tricks, Tricks

Once the pet is fed, get it to do tricks by right clicking the pet interface window and selecting Tricks, then selecting the desired trick. The further down the list a trick is, generally the more Focus and Energy it will likely use, but it will also reward a proportionate amount of Experience for the pet. Focus is a stat that becomes less effective the closer it gets to 0%.

Generally speaking, you won’t want to use any tricks if the focus has dips below 80 or 90%, because it will be less effective and use more Energy. Focus does go up over time and caps at 100%. When a pet uses a trick, it gains Experience at an accelerated rate. It also gains Experience over time just for being out. A pet neither loses nor gains stats when it is in your inventory. The next stat we’ll cover is Metabolic Rate.

Metabolic Rate

The Higher this number is, the more Nutrio Bars the pet will consume both over time and all at once to get full Energy (around 99%). A metabolic rate of 11, for example, means it eats 11 Nutrio Bars per hour, if it sits idle and does no tricks (that’s the best I got about that; if this is inaccurate, please email fatteusprophet@gmail.com and enlighten me). Doing tricks uses more energy, depending on the trick. But there’s the rub. To speed up Experience gain, you have to do tricks. To do tricks, you need to feed your pet! We talked about Experience, Mood, and Energy. The next thing is Affection.

Affection Goes Both Ways

This is how much your pet cares for you. A pet with low Affection will be ineffective and give no buffs. This stat goes back down if the pet is traded to a new owner. Furthermore, Affection has to be at 100% for you to name your pet with a Pet Name Tag. This makes pets customizable to a point. The Status stat shows how well fed your pet is. That’s all there is to that stat, but keep an eye on it. Next is what level your pet will be Exportable. This means, whatever world your pet belongs to, they cannot be summoned on any other world until they reach the indicated level.

Difficulty By Rarity

The Training Stat indicates the difficulty of the pet. For example, a Corinthian Kanin (bunny) is ‘Easy’, which means it’s experience goes up much faster than Average or more difficult Training Stats. A Dog is Average, so it will take longer to train to a higher level than a common bunny. Advanced is even more challenging. Then, of course, we got to talk about the Rarity Stat.

This stat indicates how common a pet is. There are different flavors of the same type of pet, and each flavor is different in rarity and also stat-wise. Some will come in different colors or patterns and have even stronger Passive Effects. Examples would be the Ruby Kanin (pink bunny) or the Sapphire
Chirin Dragon. The final stat is Date Acquired. This is simply what date the animal was tamed. Whether you tame it yourself, or the person you got it from tamed it for you. We’ll talk about Pet Taming in a separate article.

Pet Passive Abilities

I mentioned Passive Effects at least a few times, and I hope you all were patient with me. What a Passive Effect is can be boiled down to an extra ability that you must activate using Essence and PED. You must also start doing the thing which the effect augments while that pet is out for the Criteria Stat to reach 100% before you can activate the ability. For the Corinthian Kanin, you just need to run around.

For pets like the Dog or Atrox Pup, you need to tame animals. Once activated, they can be used whenever the pet is summoned, but using them with a Passive Effect active will require extra Energy Consumption (indicated by the Energy Stat), so watch their energy. Remember; a good rule of thumb is
to keep it above 30%. Some of the effects are well worth their weight in PED.

Pets Special Passive Effects

Take the Yog Hatchling, for example. It’s Passive Effect is Excavator Mastery, which allows miners to collect their loot from their resource deeds much faster (10% faster to be precise). To get Essence, it must be gathered by sending expendable pets to the “Bunny Blender” (although it is called the Bunny Blender, I prefer to save my bunnies and blend bristlehogs instead). This is located at any stable. It is said that different stables are different, though this hasn’t been confirmed by me. I believe the owner of the Stable chooses the buff they would like to offer, so they could differ based on that. The locations of stables are far and wide, but the most convenient one I know of is at Twin Peaks, down a path behind the Service Center (the crafting

Animal Essence AKA The Bunny Blender

Once there, interact with the control console and switch tabs to the Extract tab. Plunk one of your useless pets in there then hit “Apply” and make sure to make the whirring sound of a blender. No matter how valuable the pet you just ground up into essence was, you will get between 1 and 3 PEC
worth of Essence. Please be courteous and only blend bristlehogs and bunnies and similarly common animals. No one is going to reimburse you if you blend up a high level and/or rare pet, and Mind Ark certainly won’t help you.

I think I once accidentally blended a Combibo pet that was level 7. Still kicking myself for that. Sometimes you get Rare essence. This doesn’t seem to TT (A.k.a sell to Trade Terminal) for any more than regular Essence, but it is needed to activate some pet’s abilities. Passive Effects, once active, can be deactivated and reactivated for apparently no cost. Nice, yeah? It is recommended that you deactivate an effect if you want a pet to be out and you are not using it for its ability at the time. This will save you a lot of PED.

The Entropian Society For The Protection Against Cruelty To Tamed Animals

Yes, the E.S.P.C.A is a thing. Loosely based on a RL organization of a similar name, the E.S.P.C.A specializes in caring for pets and loaning high level pets out to players for a safety deposit, which they get back after they return the pet.

We advocate against blending pets that are not common or easy to tame. We’d prefer not having to blend pets at all, but sadly, that’s not the world we live in. Generally, we are like a non-kill shelter. We pay for the Nutrio Bars to train our pets and we can even train your pets if you don’t want to bother with it (for a small negotiable fee, of course). We accept donations of Nutrio Bars, Fruit, Sweetstuff, Animals, and PED, as well as PEC. Anything, really. If it can be used to help the pets, we are very interested in it.

NOTE: We are still working on our stock, as well as training and leveling them. Currently (As of June 13th, 2020) no pets are available to loan, but a couple are close; like our Yog Hatchling named Mephisto.

Final Thoughts On Pets

Please consider a donation to the E.S.P.C.A today! Contact Fatteus Fatty Thorsson for details on how to donate. Important: We are looking for an UNLIMITED Animal Brush Blueprint as well as Limited versions. Please contact fatteusprophet@gmail.com if you have any leads. I hope this guide has been helpful to somebody out there. Like I mentioned, there will be a Taming Article in the future. Stay tuned to the ATH Blog and while you are waiting, why not sign up and start earning PED today! Fatty out!

Want to contact the Fat Prophet directly? Feel free to email him at fatteusprophet@gmail.com. When Fatty isn’t working with pets or playing Entropia Universe he’s spreading the good news about the first ever avatar, Tommy, as we await his great return. Fatty also has side jobs including being a Hero of with many super powers. He has an amazing sidekick that he loves and loves to annoy. We thank her for putting up with him and all his splendor!